The 100 Everyday Amazing
Prevention begins with awareness. HPV is about everyone. HPV related cancers are on the rise and affect both men and women.
As an HPV cancer advocate and anal cancer survivor, it is my mission to bring the this topic to the forefront through accessible and clear venues - writing, videos and performances.
My mission piggybacks with cervical cancer prevention, but is more focused on work here in the U.S, where the uptake of the HPV vaccine is the lowest in any developed nation.
- To increase HPV vaccination among adolescent girls and boys
- To increase HPV cancer screening among women who are known to be at risk and to increase awareness of early signs and symptoms of anal cancer
- To support current research for therapeutic vaccines the can enlist the body's immune system to fight HPV related cancers.
- To educate both the public and professionals about prevention and early diagnosis
- To dispel the myths and eliminate the stigma related to these cancers
- To prevent deaths from denial and embarrassment.