Interview with Bob Renard
It (the fuel band) has no real power over me. It has become my reminder, my buddy, the object of my self-awareness of what I am eating, how much I am exercising and a daily practice of up loading my fuel band data to the Nike site has replaced what I would have gotten from Weight Watchers. So no meetings, and instead, I can use the support of friends and some family through social media (Facebook allows for the posting of my progress from the Nike site to my timeline) and so net no loss of time.
I exercise more and watch my calorie intake as it relates to how many calories I am burning based on my Fuel Band’s ability to track this along with how many steps I have taken and so how much “fuel” I have generated in that day, which I set as a personal goal to hit 3000 fuel units or more a day. The Nike site keeps my numbers, awards special goal like “Best Sunday” or “Best Tuesday Ever” and a digital celebration or awards banner. It allows me to compare myself to others my age or all the people uploading for their fuel bands. So it is rewarding and educational too.
These three factors have supported me through the initial phases of losing weight and now have become part of my daily life for a s long as I require them to be. It feels good to do the steps, so I do them freely and with joy…similar to Twelve Steps in this regard.
The reason I lost the weight is I learned that I was not hopeless.
Have you been eating a special diet?
Some diet that continues to eat healthy but NOW to just plain EAT LESS food. Just because it’s good or healthy or even both IT IS JUST FOOD! Nothing more. If I continue to remember that food is only nutrition, not a reward or punishment, then it is easier for me to JUST eat, not turn food into something more than it is intended to be.